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Environment Variables


Instance Environment (APP_ENV)

One of “local”, “staging” or “production”.

Instance Key (APP_KEY)

Automatically managed by php bakery init. Passwords of system databases that are created by Brezel use this key.

Debug Mode (APP_DEBUG)

Whether to show Laravel debug information. Set this to false for production.

Instance URL (APP_URL)

URL that points to this instance (public/index.php). The APP_URL is used for file sharing URLs and OAuth flows.


URL that points to a Brezel/Export instance.

Brezel Files Thumbnail Size Mini (BREZEL_FILES_THUMBNAILSIZE_MINI)

The minimum thumbnail size that is used by the Brezel/Files module.

Brezel Files Thumbnail Size Default (BREZEL_FILES_THUMBNAILSIZE_DEFAULT)

The default thumbnail size that is used by the Brezel/Files module.

Brezel Hide Progress Bar (BREZEL_HIDE_PROGRESS_BAR)

Whether to hide the progress bar in the Brezel/Files module. This can be used for performance reasons if the progress bar is not needed.


Path to the hugo binary that is used by the Brezel/SSG module.

Broadcasting Driver (BROADCAST_DRIVER)

One of “log”, “pusher” or “redis”.

If Brezel Brotcast is used for websockets, use pusher.

Brezel Broadcast Host (BREZEL_BROTCAST_HOST)

Host that is used by the broadcasting component.

Brezel Broadcast Port (BREZEL_BROTCAST_PORT)

Port that is used by the broadcasting component.

Brezel Broadcast App ID (BREZEL_BROTCAST_APP_ID)

ID of the broadcasting component.

Brezel Broadcast Key (BREZEL_BROTCAST_KEY)

Key of the broadcasting component.

Brezel Broadcast Secret (BREZEL_BROTCAST_SECRET)

Secret of the broadcasting component.

Brezel Broadcast Scheme (BREZEL_BROTCAST_SCHEME)

Scheme of the broadcasting component. Either http or https.

Database Host (TENANCY_HOST)

Host of the Brezel meta database.

Database Port (TENANCY_PORT)

Port of the Brezel meta database.


Database of the Brezel meta database.

Database Username (TENANCY_USERNAME)

Username of the Brezel meta database.

Database Password (TENANCY_PASSWORD)

Password of the Brezel meta database.

Standard Mail Driver (MAIL_DRIVER)

One of “log”, “smtp”, “sendmail” or “ses”.

Standard Mail Host (MAIL_HOST)

Host of the standard mail component.

Standard Mail Port (MAIL_PORT)

Port of the standard mail component.

Standard Mail Username (MAIL_USERNAME)

Username of the standard mail component.

Standard Mail Password (MAIL_PASSWORD)

Password of the standard mail component.

Standard Mail From Name (MAIL_FROM_NAME)

Name of the standard mail component.

Standard Mail From Address (MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS)

Address of the standard mail component.

Standard Mail Encryption (MAIL_ENCRYPTION)

Encryption of the standard mail component.



URL that points to the Brezel API. Should be the same as APP_URL.


Default Brezel system to use. If not specified, the Brezel system should be guessable through the SPA subdomain, e.g. example.brezel.test:8080 would lead to “example” being assumed as Brezel system.

System-specific Variables

System-specific environment variables are scoped to respective Brezel systems. In contrast to other environment variables on this page, these can be read by Brezel workflows.

They are prefixed with BREZEL_SYSTEM_<system identifier>_. If put in an .env file inside the system directory (e.g. systems/example), no prefix is needed.

On Brezel SaaS instances, they are empty by default.


Whether to let Brezel manage the database of this system or the database is managed externally, e.g. manually.


Database name of the managed database connection.

System (DB_USER)

Username of the managed database connection.


Password of the managed database connection.