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Migrate to brezel/api 1.x

brezel/api 1.0 brings you the joys of a new export system.

The underlying export microservices have been completely reworked and now provide more flexibility, performance and most importantly: maintainability!

Migration steps

To update your project to brezel/api 1.0, follow these steps:

  1. Change the brezel/api version in your composer.json to the latest 1.x version and run composer update.
  2. Update the BREZEL_EXPORT_URL in your .env file to point to an instance of the new export.
    • Either use the staging environment at, or set up your own instance.
    • Setting up your own instance (locally or on your production server) is easiest using the export installer!
  3. Validate that all your PDFs and other exports are still working. You might need to update your action/export workflow elements
    • Export type “legacy” has been removed, but the previously default “2.0” is also not supported anymore. There are no very big changes from 2.0 to the curren version, but some minor changes might be necessary.
  4. Schedule downtime with your Customer (~1h, minimum)
  5. Update your production environment
    • Install the new export system on your production server
    • Update your .env file so that BREZEL_EXPORT_URL points to your new export system
  6. Run / deploy as normal
    • Make sure to test important parts of your application to ensure that everything works as expected.