

id (int, computed, immutable)

ID of the client.

module (string)

Module identifier of the client.

fields (object(schema), default = []) (optional)

List of field attributes.

Schema: generated from the module’s fields during planning phase.

global (bool, immutable, default = false) (optional)

Whether this client is a global client that demands ID 0.

hostnames (list(string), default = []) (optional)

List of hostnames that belong to this client.


Client entity

    "resource_entity": "client",
    "resource": {
      "module": "clients",
      "fields": {
        "name": "Strawberry",
        "description": "Strawberry client"
      "hostnames": [""]

Global client entity

    "resource_entity": "global_client",
    "resource": {
      "module": "clients",
      "fields": {
        "name": "Strawberry",
        "description": "Strawberry client"
      "global": true